Saturday, 14 May 2022

The Kitbashes: Cheezy Marine

 I really need to post more often.

So here is my most recent build, a Deathwatch marine.

I still have some work to do on him, like drilling the gun barrel, removing mold lines, and some putty patch-up.  And I need to add some grenades and whatnot.

I haven't added a shoulder pad for his right arm yet as I'm still deciding on what chapter to make him from.  I've received a lot of suggestions from my posts on various Facebook modeling groups and on Reddit.  I think that my favourites so far are these:

  • Lamenters - he was sent to the Deathwatch because he was just too damn cheerful.  Plus, I do like the look of the checkerboard version of their chapter symbol.
  • Emperor's Pointy Sticks - I like their chapter symbol too, but I can't say as I've read any of the comics yet, so I don't know much about them or their style.  That might be a good thing to do on a quiet rainy day.
  • Marines Benevolent - I like the idea of this one.  What would their chapter symbol be?
Someone mentioned that he looked like Johnny Bravo.  I'm considering sculpting some shades and big ol' hair for him, but my sculpting skills are at best...

Here is a parts list and links to them in case you want to make one for yourself:

I just used Tactical Marine bits for the body because it's what I had lying around. I think that the big thing here is to find a leg pose that looks good.

The right arm is from the Primaris Infiltrators kit.

I didn't happen to have the ammo bit on hand, so I cut up the remains of a Primaris Reiver bolt carbine that I had already taken the arm from for a different project. Whittling it down to fit into the ammo slot was a pain. I recommend just using the proper ammo bit.

The left arm is from the Devastators kit. Or at least, I think it is. The main thing is to find an arm that points straight out from the body in the same direction as the right arm.

Shoulder Pads:
I used the Deathwatch pad from the Command Squad and cut off the flange on top so it would fit. If you plan on making him a regular marine, then any chapter pad without a large flange on top would do.

Once I decide on which chapter he's from, I want a textured pad that will probably end up being 3D printed. If you plan on using a decal, then I'd recommend using the pad from the Infiltrator kit.

This is the fun one. I used the hands from the Devastator kit. I carefully carved out the thumbs from the pointing hands, and attached the thumbs from the open hands.  I carved off the thumb from the Devastator pointing right hand first because in case I mucked it up, I'd still have the pointing hand on the arm to try again.  But my first attempt turned out pretty good, so I just ended up using it.  This whole process was extremely fiddley and involved much swearage.

If I were to do it again, I'd probably just buy these:

The head is this happy fellow from the new Chaos Marines. I cut off his horn and I can see from the pictures that I have a little more work to do to smooth out his noggin.

That's about it for now.  I'll really try to post more often.  Cheers.

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